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Scott's Opinions

over 7 years

I think it's time.

I will try to be as constructive as I can with these, but I will also be honest.

Please only post if you at least somewhat know me, just saying "you seem cool" to people I've barely met on this site isn't very exciting.

Why does Otherscott always fail at being funny?
He's too old
His sense of humour is "unique"
He doesn't know any good jokes
Ultra Rigged It
almost 7 years

bryce1997 says

can i get an updated one

Hi Bryce! One thing I've learned about you since I wrote my last opinion is that your opinion on almost everything makes my ears bleed. But that's okay I don't judge people based on their opinions on things or I'd be a very unhappy and lonely person.

Honestly you're still such a positive person that can really brighten up people's day, even as you've become more loose with the wit, or as Tucker puts it "become a savage". I actually think in some ways that's really a positive improvement as it's allowed you to be funnier while still not truly offended anyone.

As a game player I think you've regressed significantly since earlier on in the year. My best guess as to why is that you used to play a pretty good floater style, but because you've made so many friendships on the site now you're more locked into meta-alliances, and your gameplay doesn't really suit that. I think you need to feel more free to betray your friends on here to get back to where you were, which was a pretty good player.
almost 7 years
reading these are so thoughtful (: good thread +1
almost 7 years
i want one [:
almost 7 years
k lets go
almost 7 years

Lelmoo says

can i get an updated one

Hi Lelmoo, I've thought about this for a little while and there's really no update for me to give here. I knew you pretty well the first time I gave the opinion and you're still the same cow you were then. You're still wonderful and so friendly, and you're so good at being thoughtful and comforting and absolutely everyone adores you. And you're still far too hard on yourself, I have no idea why you think you're bad at things.

It's not because you're boring or anything that I can't update, it's just everything I said then still stands. My opinion has not changed, mostly because it's only been like 6 months.
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
And you really have come out of that whole experience different. You are so much calmer, you don't have these wild swinging tendencies any more and you're a much nicer better person out of it. But if I'm being honest, I do miss the old Anthony. As annoying as it could be to see you start all caps memeing something or like get completely unecessarily enthusiastic about robots or something like that, it also felt real. It felt like you were presenting Anthony on this site, and not a facsimile of what you want Anthony to be. You're so much more reserved and more careful now, which is good in a way because it prevents incidents where you offend or annoy or anything like that. And I'm not telling you to change and go back to the old hyper Anthony, I think calming it down is probably a sign of maturation. I just miss the uniqueness and genuineness of it.

almost 7 years

eatemuptigs says

can i get an updated one

Anthony, this is going to be a pretty complicated one. I think, if I go back like 6 months, part of the thing that really drew me to you in general was the amount of energy you put into anything. Every now and then you got this sense of hyperness to you about random things, that made you do stuff I thought was hilarious like make a forum thread about Cars 3 of all things, or overshare and cause long running jokes about your bumhoe. You just got really excited about stuff occasionally, and that amount of excitement you had made you unique, and made you Anthony in my mind.

But of course there's a dark side to that as well, because that same level of excitement could be drawn in a negative direction, leading to either extensive complaining to hosts or other players, or probably most infamously, excitement to tear people apart in jury speeches. And that was bad. It did not make you a likable person.

And I give you credit, you realized it. And it really affected you. You went into such a bout of self flagellation and really feeling like you were horrible. And it's not really true, you were never horrible - you were just yourself, you were excitable, for all the good and bad it brings.

almost 7 years

Otherscott says

evolpz says

i need attention

You need attention far too much for your own good sometimes. When I came to this lobby 6 months ago you were a respected member and a valued host and player. I really don't know what's happened between then and now that has made you into this person who can be so poisonous at times.

I don't know why you find the need to berate people with such harsh language, and just be so bitter to everyone. You absolutely deserved the ban you got because even though you think screaming profanities at people is a joke, they often don't take it as such and it can be hurtful. And no, it's not their fault for not having a sense of humour, it's yours for being inconsiderate of people's tolerance levels for crap like that.

Eric, just go back to who you were. That's all you need to do. It's not a tough task to become a likable person again. But I think at this point you don't care, you think the lobby is against you unfairly and you're going to stand up for yourself. And you go ahead, if you think that's the right thing to do. Just don't expect that's going to be what earns people's respect back.

almost 7 years

rs1993 says

I know you don't know me that well but would like one anyway please! :)

Hi rs1993, you're right that I don't know you very well so on a personal level I can't really say much at all.

I really appreciate all your work bringing so many people in from the reddit community, I've become good friends with a few of them and am happy to have them as part of my life here on this site, even if I've really played very few games of Survivor with them.

For you yourself, you kind of seem like the quintessential Survivor redditor and all the opinions that entail. Some of those are absolutely right and that I wish more people understood better, and some of those make me want to bash my head against a wall. That said it's always fun talking to you about the show or twists, or really whatever you want to talk about.

Hope to get to know you better and you should definitely play EMBB someday!
almost 7 years

ahrre says


Hello ahrre, you are one of my favourite people on the site to talk to by far. You have such an entertaining way of interacting and describing situations, and you probably crack me up more than anyone on this site. I'm actually really glad you did those videos for EMBB All Stars because it allowed everyone to see what a great sense of humour you have and I once again advise everyone to watch those if they can.

The other thing I really appreciate, and I should have mentioned this in the Jbomber opinion as well because it applies to him, is that you really seem to value my opinion on things, and that is really important to me. I love being able to offer help to people, even if it maybe isn't always Grade A advice it just makes me feel like people consider me as a worthwhile friend.

On the more constructive side of the ledger, I actually don't have a whole lot to say. I've barely ever thought, man I wish ahrre did this differently or hmmm, that was pretty insensitive. I think you can be a little bit offputting when people first get to meet you because your jokes towards people are very aggressive right out of the gate. Also, you tend to jump into things headfirst sometimes without maybe looking at the bigger picture or like exercising enough caution, and that's how you get concussions.

Anyways love talking to you and hope we stay in contact for a very long time.
almost 7 years
update me bc I read your first opinion of me and I think your insight is interesting. I wonder if anything changed : ^ )
deletedalmost 7 years
update me coz i'm intrigued
almost 7 years
update ME bc you deadass did say "i still don't know you very well!" back in april
deletedalmost 7 years
you prob don't know me very well, but I'd like to hear your opinion of bboy29. :)
almost 7 years
update me daddy
almost 7 years
Why not if this is getting bumped
almost 7 years

tillie says

hi :~)

Well this would have been a much easier opinion to give back when you asked for it.

I really respect a lot about you tillie, you are just so nice to talk to and chat with, and I really am nervous about actually posting the rest of this because I'm afraid you won't want to anymore. But there's a reason you were so popular when you came to the site, you make each and every person feel important when you're talking to them, and like you're genuinely interested in them and their life. That's a real skill and honestly as much as some people disagree with me I think you are genuine in your interactions.

Of course, there is a bit of a dark side to you and it really comes out in ORGs and stuff. You are way more competitive then you let on and things like cutting allies and betraying friends, and leaking important information - things that other people struggle with on a personal level- it comes easy to you. And it's so unexpected based on how kind and cute you are in your interactions.

And then of course the elephant in the room, that at one point on the site you cheated twice in one week, including on EMBB. Put simply you do whatever it takes to win. And sometimes that's said in a positive, it's definitely not a positive here. You need to relax your competitive instinct a bit, and actually remember that despite it being a game, that there are people's feelings involved. That's something that you understand so well in personal conversations but really don't seem to get when things become competitive.

Anyways always excited to talk to you, and remember that this is intended to be constructive and not a tear down.
almost 7 years

Vibrage says

How about an update babe <3

sdghkjdshgkjsh In private!
almost 7 years
idk who bumped this thread but ill take it
oh nvm scott bumped it
deletedalmost 7 years
deletedalmost 7 years
almost 7 years
Or skip that lunatic Jacob and do one for the better Jacob
almost 7 years

Otherscott says

JacobV says


Jacob, I actually like you a lot. I think you're a fun personality and when you're calm you are extremely likable and easy to get along with.

But I don't say this lightly: you should not be on this site. Something about these social games can bring out the absolute worst in you. Your temper with people can go through the roof, and you get extremely hypocritical sometimes where you'll backstab and undermine allies without restraint and then when it comes back on you or you get backstabbed - basically when people do to you what you do to them - you throw a fit and seemingly lose your mind. And it makes a lot of people in this lobby lose respect for you.

And Jacob, I don't think you need to be here. You seem to have a very nice life. You have a boyfriend who you seem to love and who seems to love you and everything outside EM seems to be going really well for you. I don't know why you need this to validate yourself in any way.

And I absolutely still want to be friends, you have my Skype and I'm always around to chat about absolutely anything. But this site is toxic for you, and to be brutally honest, your dramatic flair isn't very good for this site either.

How about an update babe <3
almost 7 years

eatemuptigs says

can i get an updated one