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Scott's Opinions

over 7 years

I think it's time.

I will try to be as constructive as I can with these, but I will also be honest.

Please only post if you at least somewhat know me, just saying "you seem cool" to people I've barely met on this site isn't very exciting.

Why does Otherscott always fail at being funny?
He's too old
His sense of humour is "unique"
He doesn't know any good jokes
Ultra Rigged It
over 7 years

ahrre says


Sorry ahrre, I don't think I've talked or played with you outside of maybe some anon games, I really don't have anything to form an opinion with.
over 7 years
The one thing that I find worrying about you is the method in which you play Survivor, particularly how you played The Ganges game. It's a very effective style to win obviously, but most humans don't really have that capacity to get their emotions so far out of the way when they play. You befriend people, you confide in them, you have all the time in the world to talk about their life, their issues, and the game, and then even though from all that you know the games are important to them and you're going to hurt them, you still brutally cut their throat for the purposes of giving yourself the best chance to win a stupid internet game.

And I know that's the point, and I know you've convinced yourself that it's just a game and that's part of it. But it's a bit scary that you have that ability to remove your personal relationships with someone to that degree and genuinely hurt people that apparently mean something to you. I don't know what to make of that and I'm not going to say you're doing anything wrong necessarily, but it doesn't feel right either.

In summary, I think you are a good decision maker and really a great mod to have for this lobby, and your self awareness and honesty about what you think about yourself is something to be admired. But I'm also worried that there's like a 10% chance you might be a complete sociopath. I don't think you are, and I know you don't think you are, but there's elements of it there. Still like you a lot though. (2/2)
over 7 years

HardCarry says


Hi Rob, I think you're a very extroverted person. I don't mean that in terms of like socialness or how comfortable you feel around others or anything like that, I mean that in terms of the fact that you just don't really keep anything within yourself. You vocalize what you feel and you vocalize what you're thinking, no matter whether it's about yourself, other people in the lobby, your ORG, your classes, airports, etc.

The other main thing about you is your level of self awareness, in that you really put a full attempt to have an even and true opinion of yourself, your capabilities, and your strengths and weaknesses. And you're honest about it, you don't pretend you're crappy at Survivor, but you also don't defend yourself when people get annoyed at some of your more repetitive ranting.

I think the combination of these things tend to give off an air of arrogance, because you do sometimes talk about how good you are at things. But you aren't arrogant, you also put yourself down occasionally and very often admit when you're in the wrong, which arrogant people don't do. You're honest about how you feel about yourself, that's not arrogance, that's something more people should do. Because then if there's real issues with someone and they vocalize it, they are more likely to get help. (1/2)
over 7 years
hi opinion plz
over 7 years
you seem cool
over 7 years
is this still alive
deletedover 7 years
A random Adam has appeared
over 7 years
Hi not sure if u have an opinion but
over 7 years
otherscott hello

nevermind you already gave me one i'll give one about you then one sec

your one of the people who i appreciate their existence so gj i'm proud of that. and honesty is always a good thing so +1 for that too. also your a good. thanks scotttt
over 7 years
over 7 years

Ginga says

sup homo


Anyways you have a pretty big personality and were all over EMBB3 but for some reason I struggle to find things to say. You're young, and sometimes you act older and sometimes you act younger (on purpose I think) just because I think you sometimes want people to kind of see you as a kid with the types of jokes and references you make. That said I don't think you lack maturity.

Overall you definitely have a very kind side to you and you're really good at not getting caught up in drama that you could make yourself the centre of if you really wanted. You're approachable and fun but you are also able to keep your opinions to yourself sometimes if you know they're going to cause problems.

Overall you're probably my favourite admitted Trump supporter I've met, so that's saying something! (Most don't want to admit it to me).

Sorry this one was particularly nonsensical and rambley I don't have all that clear of opinions on you.
over 7 years

eatemuptigs says

probs dont have much to say about me but have at it scott :)

Sure I do, even though I've only ever played one game with you and only seen you play maybe one other one, I've talked with you enough.

You are kind of the perfect newbie for this lobby. You're so approachable for players, you're comfortable sharing stuff about your life so that people feel like they can form a personal connection to you in a short period of time. You have a sense of humour, but never one that gets carried away and crosses the line into offensive in any way. Plus you've dedicated a lot of time into hosting and from everything I've heard have gotten pretty good at it.

I have high hopes for you as one of the leaders this lobby in the coming time and hope you stick around so we can become even closer.
over 7 years

Cody says

not entirely sure if you know me well enough but we played a few games and talked a bit a while ago so why not

Yeah, I remember you came into the lobby and made quite a splash Cody. You were fun to play with especially as an allyversary, and really showed a lot of skill in both comps and gameplay in a short period of time.

Unfortunately I don't know you very well as a person to be able to comment on you, and I'm trying my best to make these based on my personal experiences in both talking to you and seeing your interactions with others rather than third hand information.
over 7 years

Bgeas15 says

S u r e , J a n

Stephen, you remind me of me like 5-6 years ago in a lot of ways, though I was a lot less blunt than you were. There's a lot of cold logic and believing you know what should be done in certain situations and just wishing others saw what you do.

I think the problem you run into is that you don't package your arguments in a very presentable way. Like in terms of gameplay you'll say stuff like "I want to take you to F2 because I don't think you can beat anyone in a jury". Now yes, from that player's perspective in cold hard terms it is in their best interest to go with you because you're offering 2nd and they can't do any better, but from an emotional perspective they're definitely not going to want to do that.

I also like that you use your interests to make the lobby a more fun place, there are a lot of people that really enjoy the sims you do all the time and while it's not exactly my cup of tea I cannot begrudge having things in the lobby that people find fun. Overall my opinion of you is quite positive, though I think you should just brush up on your social skills if you can in general, both in and out of game.
over 7 years

coolkidrox123 says


Hi Roxy,

You're just such an all around fun person. You're fun to play with, you're fun to host for, you're fun to have as a host in games. Your typos are fun to make fun of but I think you enjoy the attention they get because you put no effort into trying to fix them :).

I think you know your main issues, you can lack self awareness at times that can lead you into trouble in games, and you can take things a bit too seriously and a bit too hard and that can lead you into trouble as well. You also have an addictive personality that you have to be a little more careful with, but this isn't news either.

I'm sorry I don't have much more exciting to say, you're one of the fun people who add flavour to this lobby and I've glad you've been around more often recently.
over 7 years
over 7 years
over 7 years
not entirely sure if you know me well enough but we played a few games and talked a bit a while ago so why not
over 7 years
I got two pages what an honor <3
over 7 years

Otherscott says

evolpz says

i need attention

You need attention far too much for your own good sometimes. When I came to this lobby 6 months ago you were a respected member and a valued host and player. I really don't know what's happened between then and now that has made you into this person who can be so poisonous at times.

I don't know why you find the need to berate people with such harsh language, and just be so bitter to everyone. You absolutely deserved the ban you got because even though you think screaming profanities at people is a joke, they often don't take it as such and it can be hurtful. And no, it's not their fault for not having a sense of humour, it's yours for being inconsiderate of people's tolerance levels for crap like that.

Eric, just go back to who you were. That's all you need to do. It's not a tough task to become a likable person again. But I think at this point you don't care, you think the lobby is against you unfairly and you're going to stand up for yourself. And you go ahead, if you think that's the right thing to do. Just don't expect that's going to be what earns people's respect back.

lol chill i screamed profanity because i was pretending to be someone else in the game. I didn't mean any of that and I already apologized. I don't think the lobby is against you're a little behind.

edit: Also, you weren't even there/know what was going on in my life at the time, so you really have no right to just jump on the bandwagon and judge me for that.
over 7 years
deletedover 7 years
probs dont have much to say about me but have at it scott :)
over 7 years
sup homo
over 7 years

SirAmelio says

me pls

Hi Amelio, you were a lot of fun to play with in EMBB, your bad memes usually brought a smile to my face and you never really let any of the game get to you.

On a gameplay level, I wish you had been more responsive socially. I really wanted to work with you on a few occasions but your short answers and lack of letting me know your opinions on votes and stuff made me feel like you never really got over me voting for you previously, so if an opportunity like that comes again you really should be more talkative and genuine, even with your enemies!

Personally I still don't know you very well so I don't have much to say. I appreciate your calmness and your ability to always keep your humour to appropriate times, I don't think anyone was ever mad at you in the game.
over 7 years

evolpz says

i need attention

You need attention far too much for your own good sometimes. When I came to this lobby 6 months ago you were a respected member and a valued host and player. I really don't know what's happened between then and now that has made you into this person who can be so poisonous at times.

I don't know why you find the need to berate people with such harsh language, and just be so bitter to everyone. You absolutely deserved the ban you got because even though you think screaming profanities at people is a joke, they often don't take it as such and it can be hurtful. And no, it's not their fault for not having a sense of humour, it's yours for being inconsiderate of people's tolerance levels for crap like that.

Eric, just go back to who you were. That's all you need to do. It's not a tough task to become a likable person again. But I think at this point you don't care, you think the lobby is against you unfairly and you're going to stand up for yourself. And you go ahead, if you think that's the right thing to do. Just don't expect that's going to be what earns people's respect back.