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Scott's Opinions

over 7 years

I think it's time.

I will try to be as constructive as I can with these, but I will also be honest.

Please only post if you at least somewhat know me, just saying "you seem cool" to people I've barely met on this site isn't very exciting.

Why does Otherscott always fail at being funny?
He's too old
His sense of humour is "unique"
He doesn't know any good jokes
Ultra Rigged It
over 7 years

HalseyMartinez says

destroy me

Halsey you are basically a sister to me, especially considering you have the exact same birthdate and interests as my actual sister. And a similar personality.

I don't know exactly how to go about "destroying you" because I have nothing bad to say about you. You're mostly here to make friends and have fun rather than play games seriously, which is perfectly okay. The one thing you should take into consideration is that sometimes your allies are really depending on you staying in and trying, and that doesn't always happen. So just keep that in mind because it can produce some bitterness if you continue to leave or not try on a consistent basis.
over 7 years

JohnBatman says

bad opinion incoming

Luca, you are a very opinionated person. And that's both your greatest strength and your greatest weakness. You are the absolute best person to have after game chats with people, and really chats about almost anything. It's always interesting to hear what you think because when it comes down to it I value opinions on stuff because it helps me consider variables about circumstances I've never thought of before.

The problem is that a lot of the time an opinion isn't required or even valuable, and you often give it anyways. When it comes down to it everyone has an opinion based on the information they have, and for the most part despite what you may think in each different circumstance yours really isn't that much more important or valuable than a lot of people. You're intelligent and perceptive so that does make you someone to consider, but that's true of a lot of people. When it comes down to it, you aren't always right. I'm not always right. For that reason, sometimes it is time to quiet down about what you think and listen a bit more to those who are more informed on situations.

(Yes I understand the irony of saying this in an opinion thread, but these are all specifically requested opinions so I'm giving myself a pass ;) )
deletedover 7 years
hit me
over 7 years

Jellofish says


Jellofish, you've always been a fun presence to have around both in games I've hosted, games I've played, and in chatrooms. I think the time difference and your relative newness to the lobby has prevented me from getting to know you that well as a person, but everything I've seen seems to indicate you would be an excellent friend to have.

I actually have a lot of the same things to say to you as I did to Dari. A lot of the time in games when you don't do well, you tend to look at the people who screwed you rather than what you could have done differently to prevent it. It will help your relationships in this lobby, because people don't really like or respect players constantly blaming their downfall on others. And sometimes it happens, you get a bad break or stupid ally or whatever, but most of the time there's always ways you could have played better or prevented your downfall if you just paid a little more attention to what was happening around you.
over 7 years

Dariukas47 says


Hey Dari, I think you're someone who should be valued a lot more on this site than you are sometimes. That hosted games thread you update and maintain is crucial, and I love when you get the time on school breaks and stuff you just decide to do a ton of hosting.

I think a lot of it, and I think this is a bit of a problem with the site, is that one of the biggest factors in gaining respect comes from being good at Survivor. And you aren't quite there, despite your trophy. And I do sense a building frustration in you because of that. You do have a lot of saltiness in you about games, you get into this tendency to blame exterior forces like a perceived morning circlejerk that's out to get you because of the trophy game when the real reason that you don't succeed all that often is you just don't seem to have the skillset yet.

In terms of your activity in the lobby, keep doing what you're doing, keep being an essential part of the community. In terms of your Survivor play, you really have to start looking more internally if you want to improve. Re-read games, and instead of looking for how other people screwed you look instead for what you could have done better, look where you could have had better game awareness or where you could have connected better with more players. If you do that you'll get to a point where you'll be a force to be reckoned with and you'll get more respect in this lobby both for your in and out of game stuff.
over 7 years
eh I'm here
over 7 years

JacobV says


Jacob, I actually like you a lot. I think you're a fun personality and when you're calm you are extremely likable and easy to get along with.

But I don't say this lightly: you should not be on this site. Something about these social games can bring out the absolute worst in you. Your temper with people can go through the roof, and you get extremely hypocritical sometimes where you'll backstab and undermine allies without restraint and then when it comes back on you or you get backstabbed - basically when people do to you what you do to them - you throw a fit and seemingly lose your mind. And it makes a lot of people in this lobby lose respect for you.

And Jacob, I don't think you need to be here. You seem to have a very nice life. You have a boyfriend who you seem to love and who seems to love you and everything outside EM seems to be going really well for you. I don't know why you need this to validate yourself in any way.

And I absolutely still want to be friends, you have my Skype and I'm always around to chat about absolutely anything. But this site is toxic for you, and to be brutally honest, your dramatic flair isn't very good for this site either.
over 7 years

Jabzz says

As a last request.

Jabzz, it's hard not to talk about your decision to leave right now so sorry if this is a little focussed on that. You as a person are a lot of fun and you're tremendously nice and very encouraging and a few things you've said to me in the past have really made me feel like my opinion is valued, so I thank you for that.

While I enjoy having you around, I'm not going to sign your petition. If the reason truly is that you're leaving because you feel like you have too much life stuff going on and you simply don't have time for EM, then the life stuff is more important unless you are really enjoying yourself. If the reason is because you don't feel valued on this site, well, you are valued. You host games so people on this site can have that opportunity, plus when you play you are very respectful and are a dream to host for. I would take a million Jabzz's on this site. That said, real life is more important. I'm only here because I know I can keep myself to only playing and hosting about once per month each and not throwing all my time away to the site. If you feel you are throwing away time, it's best to go.
over 7 years

belle says

hi scott

Annabelle, you seem so sweet and everyone I talked to who knows you well seems to love you. Unfortunately I haven't really gotten the chance to interact with you much outside of a little bit on the EMBB hosting team and I really have seen nothing to complain about or even look at you negatively with.

Hoping to get to know you a lot better over the next month or so :)
over 7 years

Voice says

slay me

Tucker, I despised you when I first came into the lobby and looking back now I have no idea why. I think that I thought you seemed arrogant and controlling, but I don't think you're arrogant at all, you are very unassuming for someone as skilled at the game and seemingly at life as you are. And your controlling nature is really more of a Survivor lobby game style than anything you try to force on others outside of it.

I think my favourite part about you is that there's often a lot of times where you could get emotional and bitter and angry at people, but no matter what you stay chilled out. You never take anything personally or let any insults or slights really ruffle you, you joke it off and move on. And that's a unique skill, maybe your most unique skill, which is saying something considering I think of you as the best player on this site.

The one bit of advice I would give you is to be a little more careful with your sense of humour and know your audience. Some of the things you say can be offensive and offputting to those who aren't on the same wavelength of humour you are and can really leave a sour taste in their mouth about you. Don't get me wrong, you're hilarious and I know you never mean any offense whatsoever, but some more consideration into tailoring your jokes the people you're dealing with would go a long way.
over 7 years

bryce1997 says

Oooh do me

Bryce, you are one of my favourite players to play with in games. You are fun to talk to, you don't take things too seriously, and you can be a smart and strategic ally who's perfect to bounce ideas off. And I see a lot of that outside of games as well, you're smart and fun to talk to and just an all around nice guy.

That said there is a bit of an aloofness to you that I can't quite put my finger on that can make you a bit hard to connect to at times. I think you're just such a nice guy, but it sometimes feels there's not a lot beyond that niceness, which is tough for me to say because I love how pleasant and well meaning you are pretty much all the time. If you could develop a little bit more edge, and a little bit more something that makes you more "you", I think that would go a long ways to allowing people to connect with you and make you feel more real to them.
deletedover 7 years
sure, gimmie some
over 7 years
I'd like an opinion!

(and Jayden/Goldd96 told me he'd like one too but cant comment rip so here I am requesting one for him too cuz im so nice and everything)
deletedover 7 years
destroy me
over 7 years
bad opinion incoming
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over 7 years
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over 7 years

alexroberts says

Omg scotty <3 be nice

Alex! It can sometimes be hard for people to pick out your real personality, I think there's an aspect of you really emphasising a side of yourself on this site and not really showing people the full spectrum of who you are.

And I wish you did! There's a lot of "queens" on this site and people who bring the drama in that way, but there's only one alexroberts. I think you can forge your own path here and really be a unique individual on this site, and I hope you start coming around and doing that. Because I've seen who you are under all the bravado and I think you're really cool and showing more of that vulnerability in your personality will make you feel more real to the people here.
over 7 years

Lelmoo says

Me! :-)

Lelmoo, my EM relationship! Another one like Natt where I don't have to say much because everyone has already said it for me in a million other threads. You are incredibly nice and kind and you know exactly how to make people feel comfortable and good about themselves. That goes without saying. There's a reason when people say someone is nice they use you as the main point of comparison - because you are at the top of the scale of kindness and everyone is trying to measure up to that.

I know it might be hypocritical of me to say this, but you have to stop being so down on yourself all the time. You have no reason to be, everyone loves you, and no one sees you as stupid or a poor player or anything like that. I don't even know what you possibly see in yourself that makes you believe you are lesser than anyone, much less that you think you're below average. And I wish you were able to open up and talk to people about your struggles, because I for one don't understand them and just wish I could help you feel more comfortable with yourself.
over 7 years

karthikbk says


Karthik, I think your biggest obstacle on this site is by far your language barrier. And that's tough, because you have a very formal way of speaking that comes across as impersonal to people who don't know you very well.

But you aren't impersonal at all, you are incredibly friendly and incredibly caring and you know exactly what to say at the right time if someone is feeling down on themselves or angry. You're smart as a tack too, another thing people underestimate. Your skills with logic and just general strategy are astonishing to me and once again I think the language barrier prevents you from getting the respect you deserve for it because most people here unfortunately equate "not able to speak flawless and natural English" with "kind of stupid".

You're by far one of my favourite people on this site and I wish more people saw in you what I'm able to see every day.
over 7 years

cosmoiswatching says

Song and dance form please

Cosmo you're so different from me in a lot of ways. You are intelligent af and it seems like your main goal with people you meet is for them to know how intelligent you are, and it works.

I think you're happy with that and you're happy with who you are. But the way you act with people you'll never be universally loved or even liked for that matter. Most people don't like other people lording their intelligence over them, and in general making them feel stupid. Because you do make a lot of people feel very stupid.

And that's where we differ because I am also more intelligent than most people I meet (though a lot less intelligent than you), and I'm not trying to brag about that because it's not really anything I did to get to that point, I am just more gifted. It's like being really tall. So knowing that I try not to use it as a tool to prop myself up, or put myself above other people. Because I'm not better than other people just because I have an engineering degree at a good school. I have my blind spots and problems with my personality the same as anyone.

But as I said, I think you're happy with who you are and you have a strong friend base who respect you a lot. And you know what, despite me maybe coming across as a bit harsh here, I respect the heck out of you as well. And I think that's what you care about, being respected more than being universally liked. And that's your decision. But if you ever want to change that and flip that script, there's an easy way to do it.
over 7 years

Nicol says


Nicol! I've still been on this site for less than a year, and I haven't really been here long enough to see many people change and mold themselves into something completely different. You are one of those people though. From your time as "minecraftfangirlftw" with that ugly-a** avatar and always saying "cri" and using doges you really did seem immature.

But you've changed so much and really developed into someone who is respected on this site and in this lobby. You're relying a lot less on bad memes and the switch to being "Nicol" and kind of embracing being yourself has been so encouraging to see. You obviously still have room to grow, and I don't really have much advice for which way you should go because I think you still have some soul-searching to do to find who you are now before you can figure out the best way to mold yourself further. But I'm excited to see where you go from here and you have a lot of potential to be a massive influence on newbies to this site.
over 7 years

PotatoPlayer says

why not

Potato, the first thing I think of when I see you is still "HardCarry's little brother" and I think you have kind of struggled with that a little on this site, because a lot of the time you do try to separate yourself from him.

You definitely still have some growing to do as a person, and once again that's expected at your age. And I think that's a positive thing, because if you want to be your own entity on that site the most important thing is to be someone takes more seriously on their own merits. And with time that will come. Being young and not always taken seriously is difficult, but eventually you get there. So don't be discouraged, keep doing what you're doing and soon HardCarry will be "PotatoPlayer's brother" :)
over 7 years

Picante says

drag me papi

Picante I don't have a lot to say about you sadly. We've played a few times in games and stuff and chatted in that ORG before you disappeared but I haven't really gotten to know you that closely. The one word I would use to describe you though is cute. You're still very young and it does show sometimes, though that's not a bad thing. You're a very likable kid and I'm excited to see your maturation and I have high hopes for you as you grow older that you can really be a positive personality and just overall good person.