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Scott's Opinions

over 7 years

I think it's time.

I will try to be as constructive as I can with these, but I will also be honest.

Please only post if you at least somewhat know me, just saying "you seem cool" to people I've barely met on this site isn't very exciting.

Why does Otherscott always fail at being funny?
He's too old
His sense of humour is "unique"
He doesn't know any good jokes
Ultra Rigged It
almost 7 years

eatemuptigs says

can i get an updated one

deletedalmost 7 years
can i get an updated one
almost 7 years

jbomber732 says

o me too

Hello Jacob! I'm still not sure why you asked me for an opinion before I had even talked to you.

Anyways I can say with certainty that I'm very impressed with you overall on this site, in terms of both your maturity level and your passion for the things you're passionate about. I've never met a bigger fan of "Lost" in my life.

And I just like your amount of care you have for people, and the desire you have to get to know people and talk to them.

On the constructive side, it's more gameplay, but you can definitely get a bit delusional both while you're in the game and after it's done, I've seen that a couple of times. But unlike a lot of others with similar gameplay issues I've never seen it bleed into non-game situations at all.

I'm looking forward to getting to know you better!

(Yes, I'm bringing this back, I noticed there were a couple I hadn't done yet)
over 7 years
I know you don't know me that well but would like one anyway please! :)
over 7 years
After EMBB for both of you.
over 7 years
over 7 years
hi :~)
over 7 years

Ally says

o me me !!!!

Ally, I think I've found a kindred spirit in you. And that's such a corny thing to say, and I am already grimacing at myself for saying it. And it doesn't seem right from an exterior perspective, I'm this stereotypical "nice" guy who doesn't say much to offend anyone and tries to stay out of everyone's way, and you are so much more in your face and not afraid to pretend to insult people or act a little rougher around the edges. But I think we're so fundamentally the same. Or at least I hope I am.

You just try so hard to see the good in everyone, see things from their perspective. I've never once heard you legitimately hate or write off anyone, even if it sometimes seems like they truly deserve it. You have an incredible amount of empathy and you're able to connect to people so easily, you've barely been a presence in the Survivor lobby for 4 months and yet you're such a big part of the lives of so many people here, that's some nattless-like stuff there.

And I know you have your insecurities and I know sometimes you feel like your hormones get the better of you and you know what, sometimes they do. But it's relatable because they do for me as well and I think making mistakes is part of life. And I think you, like me, learn from them and try to be better. Also, we both have a penchant for being late for everything, so there's that. Fortunately I'm at a job that doesn't care that much and I guess you are too.

Ally you're one of my favourite people on the site and as much as anyone on here I'm honoured that you call me your friend.
over 7 years

Otherscott says

jbomber732 says

o me too

Sorry jbomber, I don't know the first thing about you.

What the did you just say about me, you little ? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my words. You think you can get away with saying that to me over the Internet? Think again, . As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable off the face of the continent, you little . If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re dead, kiddo.
over 7 years

Ally says

o me me !!!!

Sorry Ally, I don't know anything about you either.

(JK, real opinion coming soon I promise)
over 7 years

jbomber732 says

o me too

Sorry jbomber, I don't know the first thing about you.
over 7 years

Markus says

i want one

Will! You're so much fun and just an awesome guy to have around. Sorry EMBB went so short for you, because I think that you would have been a positive presence and great to have in the house.

We should arrange a movie watching night with a few other people to watch that film you starred in as a teenager! Anyways, hopefully as I get to know you better I'll be able to offer real advice, but for now, keep being laid back, keep having fun, and keep enjoying all the great people we have in the lobby.
over 7 years

powerofdeath says


Hi Pod! You are a very nice guy who is easy to talk to and a real leader in the lobby. I think you've actually managed to become underrated as a player, which is saying something because you are thought of as one of the best in the lobby. And as far as I know, despite your prominence and your fearlessness in stating what you think, I can't remember once that someone has gotten in a real spat with you over that.

I think one thing to work on is you tend to be a bit impulsive, and you tend to do things on behalf of the lobby that you came up with yourself without really getting the full range of opinions the lobby has on an issue. And that can be a good thing because sometimes someone just needs to take action! But sometimes I think it leads to decisions that aren't very well thought through. So just be wary of that, think things through and if you really feel the need to act, act!

It's been good getting to know you and I'll see you around!
over 7 years

jack says

(since i'm here) hey scott

Hi Jack,

I really enjoy how friendly and approachable you are. You have good opinions on things and I always find myself agreeing with most of what you say. I remember the first (and probably only) game I played with you was one of Snow's troll games and we really hit it off well and we haven't really had any obstacles that have changed that since.

You are just getting back into the lobby now so I really haven't gotten to talk to you much since I've started becoming more involved and friendly with a lot of the night players, so I still don't quite know you as well as the people I'm able to give solid advice to. But thanks for picking me for your EMBB draft and I was glad I was able to help you win.

Sorry this opinion was really soft I don't really have any like constructive criticism to give here!
deletedover 7 years
o me me !!!!
over 7 years
o me too
deletedover 7 years
i want one
over 7 years
over 7 years

Otherscott says

SirPerior says

hi opinion plz

Snakes do have short memories, I've heard.

My attempt to get a second opinion has failed miserably.
over 7 years
(since i'm here) hey scott
over 7 years

SirPerior says

hi opinion plz

Snakes do have short memories, I've heard.
over 7 years

uglyOS7 says

is this still alive

It is still alive! Hi Trent, I enjoyed having you as both a fellow competitor and host in the two major ORGs I've played. I know you kinda got crap for EMBB but you really did come alive at the end of that game and were a pretty good ally. Though I think you should be more open with how you're thinking with your allies at times and people will trust you more.

I enjoy your openness and not being afraid to share your opinion, and I think you are a good overall person who really does value the feelings of others. That said you do have to be a little careful about when your honesty becomes so blunt that it crosses the line into rude and hurtful. Overall you're someone I really would love to get to know better, so don't be afraid to talk to me whenever, I'll respond happily!
over 7 years

TennisBallBFDI2 says

A random Adam has appeared

Adam! The one thing I think of when I think of you is that you're really young. And there's nothing wrong with that, there's nothing wrong with having stuff to learn about life and yourself and how to play Survivor.

I know that mole game wasn't the fastest moving and didn't really work perfectly, but I'm glad you put the time and effort into hosting it, I know I had fun. I think before you try something like that again though I would have a full plan going in and maybe grab some co-hosts because with the exception of EMBB1, a singular host doing a forum game has always been a big ask.

My other piece of advice for you is to just be yourself, don't try to act certain ways to impress people in the lobby. It's not worth it. Trust me I like Tennis as he was and I'm not an easy person to impress! (Okay I sort of am). So yeah, don't force yourself to act a certain way because you think it'll be better received.

Keep growing and learning!
over 7 years

Chanman123 says

Hi not sure if u have an opinion but

Not really in particular Chan sorry, I used all my word limit today on HardCarry. You were such a good ally in one of the eatemupvivor games I played with you and I really enjoyed working with you that game. Sorry it didn't turn out better.
over 7 years

100GOD says


100GOD, don't have much to say on you either. I really enjoy the thought you put into your TWL games though you are becoming very good at hosting them. Just don't do two unscrambling challenges in a row ever again thx.