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Scott's Opinions

over 7 years

I think it's time.

I will try to be as constructive as I can with these, but I will also be honest.

Please only post if you at least somewhat know me, just saying "you seem cool" to people I've barely met on this site isn't very exciting.

Why does Otherscott always fail at being funny?
He's too old
His sense of humour is "unique"
He doesn't know any good jokes
Ultra Rigged It
over 7 years

deandean says

do it

Dean you are like two separate people. Most of the time I think you are one of the most reasonable, level headed, intelligent people on this site, and other times that you are none of those things. I think you are that second person mostly for show, because you like to bring the drama, but in reality I don't think anyone really likes that much.

Just be yourself all the time would be my advice to you, I know you think your autism creates walls for you, but on this site it really doesn't. You're a neat person and you have friends to show for it, but my advice would be to be that person. Don't keep slipping into that other deandean.
over 7 years

N1ed says

I'm ready for the "you seem cool"

N1ed you have so much charisma, it just amazes me how easily you can bond with nearly anyone. You're funny, you're charming, and you are so mature for your age, it is kind of astounding. I hope you never think that I believe that I deserved to beat you in EMBB, you had that innate ability to just make people like you and root for your success no matter what you did to them, and that's a rare and admirable talent that is found in only the most successful of Survivor players, the Tony Vlachos and the Kim Spradlin's of the world.

I think one thing about you is even as people on this site get to know you more, you still keep any info about yourself and your real life completely hidden. And that's fair and your prerogative, the internet is a scary place. But I think that creates a separation and a limit to how close of friends you can make here, which may be what you want so I'm certainly not going to judge.
over 7 years

nattless says

oh god drag me

Nattless, everything great about you has already been said in every single opinion thread ever, and I've told you multiple times as well. You're amazing, hands down, and you are a role model for everyone on this site to look up to.

But the one thing I want to talk about is the 5% of the time where you get irritable, because I think you really regret those times. And I think it's really part of your charm, it makes you more relatable to people. I think without that you can come across as almost intimidatingly perfect, and those times where you enter into freak out mode brings you down to earth, and makes the rest of us mortals feel like you're one of us. So you shouldn't regret that side of yourself either.

I love everything about you Natt and I'm so glad I was able to meet you and that we're friends.
over 7 years

Zeezo says

I'm ready for the roast

Zeezo, you're such an easy person to get along with. You're a lot of fun and you always seem very genuine with people. I think, particularly when people first get to know you, your infectious personality is impossible not to like.

I think the one thing I'd advise you on is trying to lower your level of paranoia. I think where you get in trouble sometimes is you read things into people that aren't there and you get set off by it and take it as a personal slight, when really they are just offhand innocuous comments. For the most part people like you a lot and are not out to get you, you just need to trust yourself and your likable personality and I think you'd be a lot happier and avoid some of those confrontations with people that could have been prevented.
deletedover 7 years
As a last request.
over 7 years
hi scott
over 7 years
slay me
over 7 years
Oooh do me
deletedover 7 years
Omg scotty <3 be nice
over 7 years
Me! :-)
over 7 years
over 7 years
Song and dance form please
over 7 years
over 7 years
why not
deletedover 7 years
drag me papi
deletedover 7 years
do it
deletedover 7 years
I'm ready for the "you seem cool"
over 7 years
oh god drag me
deletedover 7 years
I'm ready for the roast