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Scott's Opinions

over 7 years

I think it's time.

I will try to be as constructive as I can with these, but I will also be honest.

Please only post if you at least somewhat know me, just saying "you seem cool" to people I've barely met on this site isn't very exciting.

Why does Otherscott always fail at being funny?
He's too old
His sense of humour is "unique"
He doesn't know any good jokes
Ultra Rigged It
over 7 years
c) Stop playing. If you don't feel you have ability to improve and are just making yourself miserable every time, don't play. These games are supposed to be for fun. It doesn't mean anything on a personal level whether you're good at them or not. Spend your time doing something you actually find fun instead.

Serp, as I said I think you have everything you need to be a fun presence and a respected friend to a lot of people in the lobby. You just have to stop going on about yourself and how "woe is you" all the time. And trust me, it's not just you, this is a lesson I need to learn still as well. (2/2)
over 7 years

SirPerior says

I'm trying to decide if I want an opinion from you or if you'll just say I'm pretty chill because you stuck me into a freaking fridge.

Hello Serpy, you have so much potential to be a fun and valuable presence here. You have some charisma, you have a good sense of humour, and you can use it to get people to like you.

You are just so much in your own way at times. And I get it, I'm not above wallowing in self-pity myself. But the fact is that no one wants to hear it. People can only take so much of "Well, I guess I got last again." If you find you aren't getting anywhere in games, you really have three options:

a) really put an effort into getting better - read through games, try to figure out what happened that caused you to go out, and fix it for next time. Look at the people who do well, see what they do, and try to imitate that. You can't just go to someone and say "fix my gameplay" because they don't have the stores of info about the different things that have gone wrong in your games or the ability to try different styles on and see what works for you

b) Don't care so much about it. If you do badly and know you're going to do badly, then just try to wring whatever fun you can out of it on the way out. I call this the EMBB Bonk style, he knew he hadn't played enough Survivor/ Big Brother to do extremely well, so he was determined to have as much fun as he could in the time he was there (1/2)
over 7 years

UltraAug says

hey bb lemme get u sum kraftsingles ;) ;)

UltraAug, I think you're really funny and you have a really good sense of what makes people laugh. You can sometimes be a little too aggressive in trying to undermine people's games, or troll the hosts, and that can get a bit annoying, but for the most part you keep it so that people like you. And I love that kraftsingles gimmick account, probably my favourite in the lobby.

That said, it's hard to give a true opinion of you because I have no idea who you actually are. Even moreso than N1ed you present yourself as a mask, you shy away from opinions or comment on anything beyond making a joke. And it makes it really hard for me anyways to get to know you on any level. You remind me of like a flock of birds carrying a set of clothing, it looks human like, but as soon as the birds fly away there's nothing there.

I think it's all intentional, this isn't really a rip on you. This opinion is neither positive or negative, because you don't really leave anything to be positive or negative on. You are here to increase the level of fun in the lobby which is great and admirable and valuable. Anything beyond that is for other people.
over 7 years
S u r e , J a n
over 7 years
over 7 years
me pls
over 7 years

ImDory says

Sure bro

Hi Dory, I already mentioned you in the thread earlier. I think you are pretty much a model for anyone who comes into the lobby and wants to learn how to play. Try a few games, find out who's good, get advice and try different things.

And I think it's great to watch you try things, even as you don't always succeed. It's fun to watch you learn that multi-F2ing isn't this foolproof strategy. It's fun to watch you slowly improve your social game. It's fun to watch you make friends in the lobby.

I don't really have anything to say to you about like improving yourself, just keep doing what you're doing, keep being friendly, and keep trying to improve yourself. You'll be a beloved figure in this lobby in no time and in a lot of ways you already are.
over 7 years
i need attention
over 7 years

Otherscott says

You just have some sharp edges sometimes that can be a bit cutting.

apologies for the alpha male chiseled jawline that i was born with
over 7 years

ryman says

sure lad

Hey Ryman, I'm not sure how unbiased I can stay here. I'm still bitter over you at a couple things that you probably don't even remember: not voting for me in jury and letting me have my first win oodles ago because of what I thought were dubious reasons when I had been your closest ally, and scaring off a newbie from reddit by arguing aggressively that Russell Hantz was a great player.

Also you are a cause of drama in the lobby, both in terms of your arguments and bitterness towards the mods over how the whole Jessys situation unfolded, and in terms of your group of followers who sometimes takes your ladnation mantra a little bit too far.

Really I don't find you too bad though. All our interactions have been very pleasant and you're a nice reasonable guy. You're also a lot of fun to be around and I always enjoy seeing you in chats. I know I started with the negative, but really this whole thing is my honest opinion: I like you, I think you're cool, I think you have a good way with people. You just have some sharp edges sometimes that can be a bit cutting.
over 7 years

HighSpace says


I remember when I came into the lobby you were more a legendary figure than an actual presence, you weren't around much last spring and early summer and remember you popping into a chatroom and me being a bit in awe that the great HighSpace had gifted us with his presence.

I see you much more as human than God now, which is a good thing because I think we think very similarly in general and as such I value your opinions and ideas greatly. You're really such an important part of this lobby, and the way you stepped up to take the primary hosting reins after the Emmy fiasco in EMBB was admirable. Without you the lobby would be a very different place.

I've never found you as coming across as overly arrogant either, and when you do like on flash challenges and stuff I always see it as more a joke arrogance than an actual proclamation of your greatness for its own sake.

I think the only thing I would say is a possible flaw is that you can stick up too much for your friends sometimes when it isn't really warranted, but on the other hand, that's what loyal friends are for, right? Anyways, you are a massive and respected part of this lobby and if you were to ever leave that would be a massive loss for all of us.
over 7 years
I guess that since I posted, I probably do.
over 7 years
I'm trying to decide if I want an opinion from you or if you'll just say I'm pretty chill because you stuck me into a freaking fridge.
over 7 years
Yeah I really don't know you as well compared to a lot of other people in the thread I'm basing everything on a few interactions.
deletedover 7 years
thats interesting because im actually quite reserved with my inner thoughts and opinions, perhaps you just mistake my crudeness as complete openness as opposed to just silly unabashed banter
over 7 years

Forrest says

hit me

Hey Forrest, you're a type of person I see around sometimes, I like to call it the boorish intellectual. (I may have just made that up now.) Basically you say whatever's on your mind no matter how inappropriate it may be for the situation, but you also have a deep rooted interest in philosophy and human behaviour. It's an interesting combo and it makes you a really interesting person to sit down and talk to.

I think one thing you do particularly well is not be dismissive of those who are less knowledgable than you. You take their argument, break it down for them, and kind of let them see where you were coming from that way instead of just putting them down and calling them an idiot. I have a ton of respect for that as I find many intellectuals just don't have patience for those who don't understand their points.

The one thing you have to be careful of is being offensive with your boorishness. I think for the most part it achieves it's purpose, that is entertainment and humour, but sometimes you should think things through a little more before you say them. I'm thinking specifically of the discussions you had with SirPerior on his sexuality/ lack thereof.
over 7 years

thefire007 says

eh I'm here

Hello thefire. I really think you skipped a step when coming to this site. You pretty much immediately started hosting without playing any games first, and as a result they were horrible, as games for pretty much anyone who tries to host in those circumstances would be. Further, you really were a loud and somewhat obnoxious presence in the lobby, which is really not advised when you still don't have any idea how the lobby works or should work.

I haven't really seen much objectionable from you lately, but I am going to refer you to look at the example of ImDory in terms of new users coming onto the site and struggling in the early going. Where your struggles and early poor gameplay led you to become angry and bitter, ImDory stayed humble and genuinely tried to get better even though he had a ton to learn. So just keep chipping away at things, try to get better and start making friends here. You've had a rough start but that can be forgotten if you start sitting back, being humble, and being friendly to the other users.
over 7 years
hey bb lemme get u sum kraftsingles ;) ;)
over 7 years

11235813213455 says

sure, gimmie some

Hey Clock, I actually think you're very undervalued both on this site and in our friend group, there's some reasons for that which I'll get to in a bit. But you're always up to host, and you're always up to talk about pretty much anything. Further I've never seen you lose your temper or really get to the point where I've had to shake my head at you for one reason or another. Your just a calm, constant, helpful presence in the lobby and I think if more people were like you it would be more peaceful here.

I think the reason you don't get a lot of love or credit or anything is that to a lot of people I think your personality can sometimes come across as bland. And that's unfortunate because it isn't your fault at all, charisma is something that you either have or don't. Also, you play games so infrequently and don't put much of an effort into improving, so it's a bit of the same deal as with Dari that from a gameplay perspective no one really fears you or considers you a force. But really, Clock, don't worry about it. Keep doing what your doing, give people the hosting and the answers and just basically the presence that they need sometimes, and I think more people will come to respect you as a person and a user as much as I do.
over 7 years
There's also your insistence on calling people by their first names once you get to know them, making people feel much more like people than internet figures. And that's been a massive influence to me as well because I do want to know a lot of the friends I made here as real people and not as just lines of text.

So yeah, I look up to you. And that's weird to say because you're like 6 years younger than me, but I think a lot of my persona and who I am to people on this site has been influenced heavily by you, and I'll never forget how you took me under your wing and made me feel welcome while I was still new here, and if I can make someone else feel like that when they arrive, then I think I've really accomplished something.

Okay, I'm rambling. terms of advice the one thing I'll say about you is sometimes you have to look at the bigger picture of what's going on. You get very focussed on your particular viewpoint of a situation and not see a lot of the details around you that are either contradicting that viewpoint or are far more important than the thing your fixated on. This especially comes across in Survivor games where you very much play a style of "I'm going to do this, and then this, and then this," and not realize that every other player has their own game going on and you have to kind of synergize what you're doing with what everyone else is doing. And that's true in life too. So you should just look around you a bit more, be a listener, be observant, and use that to kind of feed into your views, opinions, actions, etc.

Overall I can't thank you enough for everything you've done for me and I'm glad to have you around in my life.

(PT 2/2)
over 7 years

LineLiar says

(and Jayden/Goldd96 told me he'd like one too but cant comment rip so here I am requesting one for him too cuz im so nice and everything)

So this got so long it's gonna be in two parts.

Okay, sorry this has taken so long I've been trying to figure out exactly what to say and I'm still not sure.

You're the reason I'm on this site. I don't know whether I should thank you or curse you for that, but I was bored one Saturday morning and just browsing Survivor reddit, and behold there was an advertisement for a Survivor game 5 minutes later. So I came and joined the chat and didn't really realize how much I was supposed to whisper or make alliances or anything, and that LineLiar person was being so rude, and threatening to quit and throwing a hissy fit over a 1-1-1-1 plan not working out. Anyways, it was such a fun and solidly run game that I started looking forward to playing goldvivors every Saturday morning, and the rest of the site was still a very scary place to me, but those Survivor games were so much fun.

And you were a great host, and still to this day I kind of look up to you. I modelled my hosting after you as much as I could and I did that not only because I think you're one of the best at it, but because it was always a callback to what brought me here in the first place. And I've made so many friends because of it.

And really as a person you have so much to offer as well, you have this non-malicious straight forward nature about you that whatever you say, you know it's genuine. And I think I've used that a lot as well in my time here and modelled myself after you that way as well, because I realized that people value honesty, and for the most part no one is ever mad when you call them out because you're just saying what you truly believe, and you're trying to help them be better.

(PT 1/2)
over 7 years
Sure bro
over 7 years
sure lad
over 7 years
over 7 years

LineLiar says

I'd like an opinion!

I think you already know everything I'm going to say I think. I think under everything you are a caring person and you are a really good friend to have and I love talking about TV shows with you. But you're also young and have some maturation to do.

You have to be able to concede sometimes. You have to be able to admit you were wrong. You can't go through life without ever apologizing or acknowledging that you've made a mistake in any way. You can't constantly be on the defensive, because as much as you think you've talked your way out and have adequately explained your actions or argument, it just makes people roll their eyes. And if you want to know why people think you come across as arrogant, that's the reason. You don't admit fault, you never concede an argument.

I love being your friend though and I know we've had an up and down road since we met each other but I'll always be there for you and I know for sure you'll be there for me when I need you as well. And that's all I can ask for.